Birthday Musings


“It takes a long time to grow young” Pablo Picasso

Last Thursday I celebrated my 49th birthday! I spent the whole weekend celebrating the joy of achieving this wonderful ripe young age. I bounced back from the late nights pretty well and was able to get all of this week’s clean eating preparation done. You see I’ve planned to level up one more time on my nutrition and exercise in preparation for the 365 day journey to my 50th birthday. I’m learning that you can pretty much make it through anything as long as you have your ‘health and strength’. Well at least that’s what the old folks say and I trust them.

Well, I’m off to the gym; acting like it’s week1/day1 all over again! We’ll chat more about my 365 day journey to 50.

This week’s party song is Bruno’s “That’s what I like”; enjoy!


Until next week,


Happy Anniversary Love Chronicles!


“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” Robert A. Heinlein

Today, Valentine’s Day, is the first anniversary of The Love Chronicles blog! We’ve shared some great topics over this past year and explored many manifestations of giving and receiving Love. My greatest desire is to help you find peace with the person you see in the mirror. I pray that you have a place you can go to experience Love; giving and receiving it freely without fear of rejection. Although this day primarily focuses on romantic Love, it’s a great reminder to kick up your Love thang with all of the people you Love. Take some time to give a shout out to friends and families who are always happy to hear from you. Don’t forget about the curmudgeons who pretend they don’t need Love, but deep down they are desperately hoping for a kind word or gesture.

Remember, “…Love, never fails…” I Corinthians 13:8

This week for the Lover’s in the house take a listen to “Why I Love You” from Major. Dance with your Valentine on this one!

Until next week,


Showing big LOVE through small acts of kindness


Today, I was visiting our little craftsman cottage on Galveston Island. This property is nearly 100 years old. It has a few creepy elements that are on my list to remodel. The old wooden windows are high on my list to be replaced. We are constantly chasing the birds away from these old windows. For some reason, mother birds like to make nests in the storm shutters and encourage their babies to hide out there on cold windy days.

When I arrived, I heard some rustling and chirping near the master bedroom window. I found a tiny birdie that seemed to be signaling to me that it needed help. When it saw me, it stopped moving and waited to see my response. When I stood and stared at the birdie, it seemed to demonstrate that it could not find its way out up to the top of the window where the screen was torn. It was fluttering up and down the window as if to show me it could not find its way out. At this point, I was concerned that I was its only life line. I went outside with a broom, but realized that the only way to free it was to open the window and risk it flying into the house; totally not gonna do THAT! Or, make a small hole in the bottom of the screen and coax the bird out. Of course I chose the latter option since I need these windows replaced anyway. The bird was a bit hesitant at first, but once it realized that I had made a way of escape, it mustered the courage to fly out the window. I’m sure it was risk since it did not know whether I was here to help or harm it. He flew away and I felt very thankful that I happened to pick today to visit the cottage.

This little incident got me to thinking. Are there other small gifts of service I can offer to help free another from a situation that could open up a real life line? It literally took only 5 minutes of my time, a little Love, and enough concern for the bird to ensure that it could safely make its way back into its community. I am thankful that I had this experience today because it reaffirmed my connection to all of creation. My eyes are wide open for opportunities to BE THE CHANGE. I hope you’ll join me on this road where we can make a difference in our families, communities, and our world. I’m taking 5 more minutes to write my Senators and Representative about these executive orders that worry me greatly!

India Arie and Idan Raichel remind me that I have one more gift I can give. I can give the world the “Gift of Acceptance”. Take a listen…


Until next week,


Heal Your Heart; So You Can Be The Change…


In the past, I’ve shared my admiration for those who have come before us and were willing to suffer their own discomfort to move humanity forward. They each exhibited a strong belief in a great spirit which connects us all. The foundation of this connection is Love which causes us to work to meet core human needs. It includes living in harmony with all creation and taking responsibility for maintaining our shared environment in a sustainable way. Leaving a better future for our children was a common theme amongst these great leaders.

In this week’s post, I’d like to focus on healing our hearts so we can show up to serve others with real Love and kindness.

Source: Yahoo Images Search – Love, Unity, Diversity

If you are alive you know that there are many people outwardly displaying their commitment to create a better world by protesting what they believe is destructive behavior and threats, by some associated with the new presidential administration, to implement policies which would threaten our ability to live in harmony and maintain a sustainable environment. I too am in agreement that we want to keep moving this thing forward. However, I realize that I still need a bit more time to focus on my internal well-being.

William Bowen has said it best, “Hurt people hurt people….” I don’t want that to be me, but I am finding that I am just a little too quick with the “Like” button when I see some crude humor in memes that mock those on the opposite side of positions I hold. Maybe, I’m going to mess this up a few more times, but I’m committing to searching and healing my heart so that I can show up in Love and understanding. Here’s what I’ve been doing; please join me if these practices resonant with you.

Morning meditation and intention setting – Each day upon rising I take the time to offer thanks for a new day and acknowledge the opportunity I have to show up in Love. I also listen for ways I can be of service to myself, my family, and my world. Based on what I hear, I set intentions for the day to act upon what I’ve learned in this quiet time.

Evening gratitude prayer – Each evening before I go to bed, I take a few minutes to review my day and journal all of the things I’m grateful for. I also say a prayer of gratitude asking that my capacity to impact my world increases as my heart heals. So far, I’ve had some amazing experiences using this practice.

Seek understanding of negative triggers – Instead of responding to negative triggers, I’m taking note of them and gracefully dismissing myself before I start to spew any venom. Once I’m in my meditation space, I ask for understanding of these negative triggers. Often I learn what I need to heal. And I leave the space with an action plan to decrease the likelihood that I will be triggered by this again.

Improving diet and exercise – I believe that we function best when the three aspects (body, mind, spirit) of our person are in tip top shape. So, focusing on clean eating and a daily exercise routine is another key area that I’ve undertaken. I’m experimenting with options that heal my body from the inside. I’m getting great results to. My skin and my mind are clearer. I’m stronger and more flexible.

In 2017, these are the core practices which I believe will support me in showing up for myself, my family, and my world. Join me in allowing introspection to prepare you to serve more effectively!

This week I’m going back to a great one from the Black Eyed Peas because I want to practice what I preach…Where’s the Love?

P.S. I don’t know how I missed the memo; that women were marching in Houston last weekend.  I’m going to take it as a sign that I was not quite ready to be out there, BUT I’m signed up now to receive and support moving our world forward in LOVE!

Until next week,


Truth and LOVE! Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Legacy


On this day we celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His life is a real testament to the effectiveness of speaking the truth in LOVE. His deep faith gave him the internal peace and courage to see the good that was possible in the human race. There are a plethora of quotes attributed to him that are deeply profound and summarize the plight and best approach we can take to overcome ignorance, hate, and injustice.

 Source: Yahoo Images Search

Source: Yahoo Images Search

During this tenuous time when we are about to transition to a new President who, by all accounts, is an unorthodox selection it behooves us to hone our speak-the-truth-in-LOVE skills. Many of us are willing to speak the truth, but it does not always come from a place of LOVE. Marianne Williams has warned us that, “You have very little power to change people who can feel your underlying contempt.”

I want to invite you to join me in spending these next few weeks focusing inward. Let’s take the time we need to envision the world we want to live in today and for generations to come. Let’s join together with spirit, our family, and our community to ensure that our internal vision is focused on LOVE and the ability to live in peace. I would ask that you refrain from dialog which you are unable to hear from a place of LOVE and peace. This will help you to limit responses that create more distance and discord. When you are able to see and hear from a place which honors the divine in everyone, speak the truth in LOVE.

Go in LOVE and may peace be with you as you follow in the footsteps of Dr. King, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and all who have come before in courage and LOVE to make our shared human experience better.

Here are a few quotes from Dr. King that really resonant with me:

“The time is always right to do what is right”

 “Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.”

 “LOVE is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.”

 “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

 “If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk,then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”


This week’s sound track is “Glory” by Common and John Legend. It comes from the soundtrack of the movie “Selma.” I think it is appropriate for this week’s tribute to Dr. King.

Until next week,


Life School is in Session Y’all! Float like a butterfly…


Well just as I suspected 2017 has already started to give me what I’ve asked of it; an opportunity to develop a well of internal joy despite external circumstance. Of course I know that you can’t develop a virtue or practice without being exposed to learning opportunities and some planned simulations. I just did not realize that I’d be dropped right into some real life sh#$ to expose just how much work is needed to maintain a steady state of joy. Have no fear, God is with me and I know that there is no test he won’t help me to turn into a testimony. So, if you started this year with the gloves up and you need a little encouragement to face your giants, let’s get our game plan laid out.

Source: Yahoo Images Search

Take some time to really understand the challenge in front of you. Sometimes we misjudge what the experience is coming to teach and we bring a gun to a knife fight or vice versa. Spend time connecting with the Divine. In the quietness seek direction on how to fully engage the experience so that you can make timely adjustments to successfully overcome.

Let your inner circle know what support you need from them during this time. Don’t be afraid to leverage their support. So many times we underestimate just how willing and able our inner circle is to help us make it through challenges. I think it was Tony Evans who said, “Don’t deprive others of their need to give.” If you don’t have an inner circle use this situation to help you develop one. After all, “No man is an island…”, John Donne.

On a daily basis only make the decisions you have the data to make successfully. Or, the ones you must make to avoid a crisis. In other words, don’t become overwhelmed trying to plan next year or the year after when just getting out of bed today is a challenge. Work on rising with joy and counting the blessings in front of you. Pray for the ability to have a sound mind ready to meet this challenge flat footed. Oftentimes when we can put our challenge in context we understand that the there are countless others who have successfully faced this challenge. Somehow learning that we are not alone helps us to get some perspective.

If you are facing a challenge that no one before you has faced (e.g. first African American President, First Man on the Moon, etc.) know that you have been Divinely ordained for this hero’s journey and the road to success is already written within your DNA. You just need to stay connected to the Divine and walk by faith not by sight to accomplish the task set before you. You will be successful.

This week’s sound track is “Superheroes” by The Script because this training we are in is teaching us to fly and to turn pain into power!

And when your training is over, The Script believes you just might find yourself in “The Hall of Fame.”  Go get’em Champ!


Until next week,


Hello 2017! I wasn’t quite ready, but let the JOY begin!


I must say that the 2016 clock ran out on me so fast that I didn’t have enough time to do my usual goal setting for the New Year. It’s probably just as well since I usually spend the first month snuggling into and adjusting my plans anyway. The one thing I have done is decide on my guiding word for the year. I’ve chosen “JOY” for my 2017 word. I believe that increasing my internal capacity for joy will help me to maintain a heart full of Peace and Love.

This practice of choosing a guiding word for the year was passed along to me from Karen, love her! I’ve found this word framing activity to be a powerful way to set and achieve goals each year. Last year my word was FUN and looking back on 2016, I can honestly say it was a jam packed with fun! So, I’m excited to kick off 2017 working to develop the JOY in my heart.

For more information on selecting a guiding word, check out Ali Edwards’ “One little Word” project.


This week’s sound track is “Joy” by Johny Diaz. I have no clue where he hails from, but he totally nails my latitude and longitude on this subject. I especially love these lyrics, “…Every single circumstance, I can place in greater hands. I won’t let my trouble bring me down. I’ve got joy down in my soul. I’m gonna take it everywhere I go…God, I know he’ll never let me down…Not gonna worry about what I don’t know….Jet black night don’t see the stars…be alright as long as I’ve got joy, joy…” It’s dancing and shouting music y’all! Enjoy!

Until next week,


Halftime: From Success to Significance!


I was recently introduced to Bob Buford’s book, Halftime: Moving from Success to Significance. He created an institute based on the premise that, “When all you’ve done or own seems to matter less … and your heart craves more meaning, joy and balance… when something triggers in your mind that you’re entering your second half of life and you’re unsure what your calling is for the next season…” Halftime Institute

Photo Credit: JD –“Beautiful skies over Houston”

I’m right in the middle of reading this book, but I wanted to share it with you. I’m so excited about the premise of the material and how it can complement the other tools I’m using to align my actions with the path for my life. I’ve read so many materials, but this one seems to strike a better balance for me between the skills I’ve obtained over a 20 year corporate career and the spiritual destiny I’ve always known was moving me through this wonderful journey.

The site features several stories of individuals who found alignment between their spiritual purpose and the joyful work they can do with their hands. For this week’s inspiration, I’ve selected Clark Millspaugh’s (1953-2012) from success to significance story; even reading the memorial for his life is inspiring.

Until next week,


It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!


I Love, Love, Love decorating for Christmas! It takes me back to childhood when getting the place ready for Christmas signaled that everyone was making plans to come home. We would congregate at Grandma Frankie’s house on Christmas Day. Although there was a real limit on material gifts, there was an abundance of Love, Laughter, and pure Joy! It’s in this spirit that I busy myself to get our home ready to receive family and friends for the holidays. Here’s hoping your holiday preparations are going well and bringing you lots of cheer.

Photo Credit: JD; Décor Elves: Briana, Derek, and Joselyn

Stevie Wonder and Andra Day’s rendition of “Someday at Christmas” is this week’s soundtrack. Enjoy!

Until next week,



Amazing! Just the way you are!


Stopping by today to let you know that you are perfect just the way God made you. My greatest wish for all of you is that you know the peace and deep joy of self Love and Acceptance. We’ve been over this before, but binge watching all of these Christmas movies and attending the Mary J. Blige concert reminded me to encourage you once again to Love yourself and the skin you’re in.

There is no photo today, but I made a little flipagram from profile pictures of my Facebook lady friends. PSA: Mothers, take some cute ‘self’ies (i.e. of yourself) or schedule a glamour shot session of you alone! For many of you, I couldn’t find a single picture of you all by yourself. Your kids are cute, but honey they came by it honestly.  So strut your stuff  solo sometimes!

The video has a bumpy start and end, but I could not resist pulling all of these gorgeous ladies into one collage.  Take a look!

If you wanna see Bruno’s video of “Just The Way You Are,” here you go…

Until next week,
