Tag Archives: Heal Your Heart

Heal Your Heart; So You Can Be The Change…


In the past, I’ve shared my admiration for those who have come before us and were willing to suffer their own discomfort to move humanity forward. They each exhibited a strong belief in a great spirit which connects us all. The foundation of this connection is Love which causes us to work to meet core human needs. It includes living in harmony with all creation and taking responsibility for maintaining our shared environment in a sustainable way. Leaving a better future for our children was a common theme amongst these great leaders.

In this week’s post, I’d like to focus on healing our hearts so we can show up to serve others with real Love and kindness.

Source: Yahoo Images Search – Love, Unity, Diversity

If you are alive you know that there are many people outwardly displaying their commitment to create a better world by protesting what they believe is destructive behavior and threats, by some associated with the new presidential administration, to implement policies which would threaten our ability to live in harmony and maintain a sustainable environment. I too am in agreement that we want to keep moving this thing forward. However, I realize that I still need a bit more time to focus on my internal well-being.

William Bowen has said it best, “Hurt people hurt people….” I don’t want that to be me, but I am finding that I am just a little too quick with the “Like” button when I see some crude humor in memes that mock those on the opposite side of positions I hold. Maybe, I’m going to mess this up a few more times, but I’m committing to searching and healing my heart so that I can show up in Love and understanding. Here’s what I’ve been doing; please join me if these practices resonant with you.

Morning meditation and intention setting – Each day upon rising I take the time to offer thanks for a new day and acknowledge the opportunity I have to show up in Love. I also listen for ways I can be of service to myself, my family, and my world. Based on what I hear, I set intentions for the day to act upon what I’ve learned in this quiet time.

Evening gratitude prayer – Each evening before I go to bed, I take a few minutes to review my day and journal all of the things I’m grateful for. I also say a prayer of gratitude asking that my capacity to impact my world increases as my heart heals. So far, I’ve had some amazing experiences using this practice.

Seek understanding of negative triggers – Instead of responding to negative triggers, I’m taking note of them and gracefully dismissing myself before I start to spew any venom. Once I’m in my meditation space, I ask for understanding of these negative triggers. Often I learn what I need to heal. And I leave the space with an action plan to decrease the likelihood that I will be triggered by this again.

Improving diet and exercise – I believe that we function best when the three aspects (body, mind, spirit) of our person are in tip top shape. So, focusing on clean eating and a daily exercise routine is another key area that I’ve undertaken. I’m experimenting with options that heal my body from the inside. I’m getting great results to. My skin and my mind are clearer. I’m stronger and more flexible.

In 2017, these are the core practices which I believe will support me in showing up for myself, my family, and my world. Join me in allowing introspection to prepare you to serve more effectively!

This week I’m going back to a great one from the Black Eyed Peas because I want to practice what I preach…Where’s the Love?

P.S. I don’t know how I missed the memo; that women were marching in Houston last weekend.  I’m going to take it as a sign that I was not quite ready to be out there, BUT I’m signed up now to receive and support moving our world forward in LOVE!

Until next week,
