All posts by pernap

Take The Road Less Traveled and Don’t Look Back!


“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost

Photo Credit: JD Pierre – Thanksgiving road trip – Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi

Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Not Taken is a great expression of personal choice or free will to make our own life decisions. Whether we take the road that seems to be a well-worn path from those who have come before us; or we take the unknown path that is uniquely our own; we get to choose.

Many have analyzed this poem as being one which implies the traveler is fretting over the decision of which road to choose. They also imply that the traveler believes he will regret his choice since he says, “I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence…” I want to encourage you to consider the choice in front of you in the context of your life today, a few months from now, a few years from now, and when you are old and gray. Make the best decision you can with the information you have and then don’t look back!

Here’s the poem in its entirety from Wikipedia:

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

For this week’s soundtrack, I’m going with India Arie once again. “I Choose” is the perfect song to set the tone for making the best choices for your life. Enjoy!

Until next week,


Happy Thanksgiving!


“Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses.” Alphonse Karr

thanksgivingPhoto Credit: JD Pierre – Pierre Dining Room

On Thursday this week, we will celebrate Thanksgiving. It’s the time of year when we pull our families close over a great meal and express our gratitude. We celebrate the people, experiences, and personal victories that have given us the fuel we need to keep moving forward. I’m always happy to see my family during joyful occasions. I also plan to sneak in a visit to an arboretum or two while we are on holiday. Because after all, we’ll need some exercise to offset all of the great food we will enjoy during the festivities.

I hope your Thanksgiving celebration deepens your connections to friends and family! Don’t forget to make some time to be alone with your thoughts and to strengthen your connection to spirit. Remember it’s important to nurture community and self.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I couldn’t find a specifically themed Thanksgiving song for this week. So, I decided to go with a high energy fun tune…”Can’t Stop the Feeling.” JT and the cast make me want to get my own flash mob together. Enjoy!

Until next week,


A Breathe Away from Victory!


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Dr. Martin Luther King


    Photo Credit: JD Pierre – Cockrell Butterfly Center

Well, the election results are in! Can I tell you I was caught totally off guard that Hillary Clinton did not win the election? Luckily, I recently posted a few guidelines we can use to practice accepting the things we can’t change. Although I was mentally prepared to do the work of healing, I was pretty much an emotional wreck. For me, this election symbolized the choice between unity and division. I had to ‘take a knee’ for a couple of days to seek God’s counsel on how to view what just happened in America. What I realized is:

  • Over half of the population chose unity. While there is much work to be done to help improve the margin of Love over Hate; I am encouraged to know that the majority of us want to embrace diversity and live together in harmony.
  • We can use our anger, frustration, concern, and fear to propel us to keep doing the work to unify our country/world.  I received this link from a Facebook friend. It offers some excellent tips on ways we can show up for ourselves and others as we move forward past the election.
  • Most of those who profoundly impacted our Universe, in a positive way, never became president (well Mandela did). So, I pray that we can encourage Hillary to keep working for the improvement of our society; even if she is never elected president.
  • Glass ceilings were meant to be broken. The President of the United States will one day be a woman. I’m convinced it will be in my lifetime!

Since we were just a breath away from victory, I’m offering this week’s soundtrack as an anthem that encourages us to keep moving the ball forward toward unity and justice. Alicia Keys and Jussie Smollett deliver an amazing performance singing “Powerful.”

Until next week,


Lack of Resources; Or a Lack of Resourcefulness?


The defining issue is not a lack of resources; it is a lack of resourcefulness.” Tony Robbins

Let death be what takes us; not a lack of imagination.” BJ Miller

Photo Credit: Me - Cockrell Butterfly Center
Photo Credit: Me – Cockrell Butterfly Center

I was binge watching Ted talks this past week when I came across these quotes from Tony Robbins and BJ Miller. I’ve been sitting with them all week. I really need some more time to fully develop a good post on this topic. However, I do strongly agree with the idea that much of what ails us is not that we lack resources; it’s that we have a lack the imagination to effectively use the resources we have.

I’m going to marinate on this topic a little bit longer, and do my best to remember that it’s the little things that make life worthwhile. So, here’s India Arie singing “Little Things” in this week’s soundtrack.

Until next week,


Successfully Managing Your Peace of Mind!


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”  Reinhold Niebuhr

Reinhold’s quote pretty much sums up my encouragement for today. With God’s help, you are more than capable of successfully managing your peace of mind.

Photo Credit: Me – “Peace in Simplicity - Sonoma Raceway Area”
Photo Credit: Me – “Peace in Simplicity – Sonoma Raceway Area”

When we are able to decipher aspects of our life which we can impact as opposed to those we can’t, we have an immediate game plan for framing our focus. For situations that we can change, our work is to create a plan and work that plan. For situations or circumstances we can’t change our work is to find peace and acceptance

Once the ‘change’ / ‘can’t change’ classification is done, the REAL work begins. It is often easier to work on the things we can change because our hands are busy ‘doing’. However, finding peace and acceptance is typically harder because it often lands in the ‘being’ space.

Since this aspect of living can be the most difficult to navigate, let’s take a look at a few steps we can use to develop a peace and acceptance strategy.

  • Be still – find a place and some dedicated time to sit with what must be accepted. It is best if you take time at the start of the day to set your intentions for the day. Also, end the day by taking time to express gratitude for successfully making it through another day.
  • Seek the lesson – Spend some time asking God to reveal the lessons you must learn from the situation. Often a quality is revealed that you must develop and practice to successfully weather the storm.
  • Practice the quality – Once you have identified the quality or qualities you must master you now have an actionable focal point. You have can move from ‘being’ to ‘doing’. For example, if the quality you need to learn is patience; you can focus your actions on practicing patience. Observe your behavior; without judgement determine any correction needed, and then proceed with practicing patience with the new corrections. You can repeat this process until you discover that the situation has resolved itself or your new found quality is able to peacefully sustain you
  • Celebrate your progress – Be sure to celebrate your victory in overcoming a difficult situation. Give thanks for everything you learned and recognize how you’ve grown even when you were being challenged.

I’m excited to know that despite difficult situations, we can overcome and become our best self. I think it was Maya Angelou who said, “I wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now.” I agree and am looking forward to growing from whatever life brings.

For this week’s sound track, I’m sharing two oldies, but goodies; Smokie Norful’s “I Need You Now” and


Donnie McClurkin’s “Speak to My Heart”

Until next week,



Self Love: Fly Your Freak Flag!

Photo Credit: Hubby: Rutherford Hill Winery - Napa Valley
Photo Credit: Hubby: Rutherford Hill Winery – Napa Valley

Today, I want to encourage you to embrace the unique person that you are. For me, this is a real challenge. I can’t understand why I’m a complete extravert in one area and then will have a panic attack if asked in another area to speak publically. I don’t even see a common thread in either case. I am working to develop more self-compassion and am working to embrace these inconsistences in myself.

Back in September my friend and I went to see Panache Desai at an evening event. I was initially unimpressed and slightly angered by what seemed like his rejoicing when attendees would share the pain in their journey. It was not until he shared his own personal journey into and through pain that I understood why he was asking us to have faith that there are wonderful life lessons that our pain comes to teach.

Certainly there are many lessons that we can learn in joy and happiness. However, for some reason it seems that the lessons we learn during suffering are the ones that help us to grow most deeply.

These quotes from Desai’s talk resonated with me:

  • At some point you must end your resistance to being you.
  • It’s time to fly your freak flag. You ARE 100% weird; accept it. Being weird does not make your wrong.
  • Stop fighting against your design. We are a complete and unique expression of Divinity.
  • God gives you an opportunity to grow into what you want. He does not give you what you want.
  • You assume you know what you need. When space is created; allow God to fill the space.

As you are working to love and accept yourself fully, I offer this week’s soundtrack, “The Prayer” asking God to give you a safe place to work out your love for self and others.

Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli first sang “The Prayer”. I’ve selected her duet of the same song with Josh Groban for this week’s soundtrack.


I also really love Yolanda Adams and Donnie McClurkin’s rendition of this beautiful song…

Until next week,


Hobbies: Get yourself a few!

Photo Credit: Hubby Me on the garden tour today
Me on the garden tour today!  Photo Credit: Hubby

I’ve had a very busy week, but wanted to stop by to encourage you to add some fun in your life by spending time on hobbies. There is a lot of research that indicates that you can increase your joy and decrease your stress if you spend time on hobbies.

If you ask hubby, I have way too many. I don’t think so; I am just experimenting to determine which hobbies bring me the most joy…HA! In the course of one week, I may spend time on the following hobbies:

  • Gardening – I LOVE co creating, watching the process of a seed becoming what it is meant to be; so many opportunities to apply what I see in the garden to my life’s journey. It calms me to be fully present in this space; watching the circle of life
  • Learning to paint – Notice I said ‘learning’ because this right here is not a natural talent for me. I am so in awe of artists who can paint realistic or abstract art that leaves us speechless. My joy in art is learning to train my eyes and hands to work together to imitate a painting. One day I will create from scratch; for now I am having too much fun just recreating something that already exists.
  • Sewing – I like to sew many things, but I’m smitten with making headbands. Specifically, I like making headbands from exotic fabrics. So in my travels around the world, visiting fabric stores is always on the site seeing list. Of course I have more fabric now than I know what to do with, but I keep sewing and it brings me great joy to wear what I’ve created.
  • Singing – I mean I really practice the lyrics to every song I love. The kids go crazy when I get a new song because I must play it a thousand times over and over again until I can sing it straight through without stopping to look at the lyrics. A great song can minister to my spirit in ways that other mediums cannot.
  • Writing – I have a love/hate relationship with writing. I have many goals for what I’d like to achieve with my writing. However, just like a super hero just given their super powers, I am unable to predict exactly how things will come together. So, I write anyway. I know that I will develop the voice that fits me.
  • Long Distance Cycling – I’ve abandoned this hobby because I’m a bit skittish now about riding on the road and it takes up way too much time. I enjoy a great spinning session though.

Now that I’ve shared my list of hobbies, hopefully you are inspired to commit to spending time on yours.   Did you notice that I did not mention exercising, running, cleaning up? Yes, I do those things but for me they are NOT hobbies!

If you are into learning to paint, my favorite YouTube art teacher is The Art Sherpa. She has many great paintings that you can paint with her, but this was my first one…

Until next week,


Metamorphosis: Not just for Caterpillars and Butterflies!

Passion Flower from FBMG Butterfly Garden

Last week I started a Master Gardener class (so excited!). Entomology (i.e. the study of insects) was our first lesson and it ending with a trek through the on premise gardens. I was mesmerized by the support the butterfly needs to complete its metamorphosis.

Webster defines metamorphosis as, “…a major change in the appearance or character of someone or something.” As it relates to biology, Webster defines metamorphosis as, “…a major change in the form or structure of some animals or insects that happens as the animal or insect becomes an adult.”

So, basically living things are continuously changing until they become mature. I believe this maturity includes our spiritual development. Some of us are changing in small and gradual ways while others are undergoing total transformations in lightning speed which renders our old self unrecognizable. This is necessary for us to achieve the purpose(s) for which we have been created. For some of us this process can cause great anxiety, fear, and worry. Working through this discomfort is the focus of today’s post.

As God would have it, I turned on the TV while composing this post and discovered Michael Beckwith on Super Soul Sunday. Talk about Divine timing!   He offered some great advice from his Life Visioning book which can help us to embrace our metamorphosis. Here are the key points that I think are relevant to today’s topic:

  • Participate in the unfolding of your unique expression of God’s personality – A first step to establishing a healing and supportive environment is to come to peace and acceptance with this fact; you are a unique expression of God’s personality
  • Usher in assistance from God by asking for HELP (i.e. Hello Eternal Loving Presence) – Michael offers this acronym to help us remember that we are not in this alone. God will assist us if we are willing to ask for help. He does caution us to ask questions whose answers will empower us to work through our challenges as opposed to questions that will keep us stuck. Ask, “What’s trying to unfold?” versus “Why me?”
  • Pain pushes until Vision pulls – I LOVED this visualization of a challenge. If I’m remembering his intention here, it is related to a strategy to help us work through those dark nights of the soul. The times when we are shedding old selves and before a new self has emerged. He proposes that our pain and suffering may push us to go inward and then when we can see what we are working to become this vision will pull us forward.
  • Challenges come to activate latent potential in us – If we can see our challenges as a way to develop our character, we can find a way through. He suggested that we ask ourselves, “If this experience were to last forever, what quality would I need to develop to have peace of mind?” Focusing on developing this quality will distract us from our suffering and help us to move quickly through those dark nights.

A few other one liners that Michael shared which were big for me are:

  • You cannot have what you are unwilling to become.
  • You have to like yourself when you are by yourself.
  • You are either ‘in reaction’ or ‘in choice’.

Working through our spiritual growth is really our life’s work. Don’t worry; just like the caterpillar you have everything within you to become the butterfly you were meant to be.  You can read more about Michael’s advice on reaching your highest potential in his book Life Visioning: A Transformative Process for Activating our Unique Gifts and Highest Potential.

For this week’s sound track, I’ve chosen Tamela Mann’s “Take me to the King”. It is a song that I listen to when I’m sitting in God’s presence seeking direction.

Until next week,


Gratitude: I’m Thankful for the good, the bad, and the ugly; it made me who I am!


This morning when I opened my eyes, I was overcome with gratitude

Photo Credit: Yahoo Search “Gratitude”

for an opportunity to continue my own personal evolution on this great journey. I was also reminded that I am accompanied daily by amazing people who love and are loved by me. Although I spent the day running errands and preparing meals for the week, I approached each chore with an attitude of thanksgiving. When I’m most frazzled and feeling off my game, I sense an overwhelming need to stop and reflect on all of the things in my life that I am grateful for. I’m grateful for the good

Photo Credit: Yahoo Search “Gratitude”

and the bad. The good has given me moments of peace and great joy. The bad has helped me to overcome challenges and become a better me. I’m deeply grateful for the mountains and the valleys; they’ve made me who I am.


Today’s soundtrack, Grateful, song by Rita Ora was featured in the movie Beyond the Lights. It is such a beautiful testament to how we can view the challenges we must overcome to keep our hearts open and our life moving forward. Sing along…



There were a lot of tears I had to cry through

A lot of battles left me battered and bruised

And I was shattered, had my heart ripped in two

I was broken, I was broken

There were a lot of times I stumbled and crashed

When I was on the edge, down to my last chance

So many times when I was so convinced that

I was over, I was over

But I had to fall yeah

To rise above it all

I’m grateful for the storm

Made me appreciate the sun

I’m grateful for the wrong ones

Made me appreciate the right ones

I’m grateful for the pain

For everything that made me break

I’m thankful for all my scars

‘Cause they only make my heart

Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful


I was sinking, I was drowning in doubt

The weight all of the pain was weighing me down

Pulled it together and I pulled myself out

Learned a lesson, learned a lesson

That there’s a lot you gotta go through, hell yes

But that’s what got me strong, I got no regrets

And I’ve got only love, got no bitterness

Count my blessings, count my blessings, yeah

I’m proud of every tear, yeah

‘Cause they got me here

I’m grateful for the storm

Made me appreciate the sun

I’m grateful for the wrong ones

Made me appreciate the right ones

I’m grateful for the pain

For everything that made me break

I’m thankful for all my scars

‘Cause they only make my heart

Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful


There is nothing I would change

That even one mistake I made

I got lost, found myself, found my way

I’m grateful for the storm

Made me appreciate the sun

I’m grateful for the wrong ones

Made me appreciate the right ones

I’m grateful for the pain

For everything that made me break

I’m thankful for all my scars

‘Cause they only make my heart

Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, oh


You know that I’m grateful

You know that I care

No time for the wrong ones

I’ll always be there


Woah (Grateful, grateful, grateful)

I’m grateful, oh yeah (Grateful, grateful)

Oh, I’m grateful, yeah


Until next week,


Napa Valley Getaway!

Sonoma Raceway

This week’s post is a photo tribute capturing my trip with hubby to Napa Valley. During our anniversary celebration last year (our 23rd), we agreed to take more time this year to travel and enjoy time alone together. We feel that this is an important thing for us to do to ensure that we check in with each other; leaving day-to-day responsibilities behind. It’s amazing how much closer we feel to each other when we can let our hair down, enjoy a great time, and experience new things.

Hotel Andaz: Downtown Napa

After this great trip to Napa, I’m even more convinced that these stolen moments are more than worth the sacrifice to make them happen.

Hotel Andaz: Downtown Napa

Make the effort to set aside time, save money, and plan little getaways to refresh your spirit and your relationships.




While in Napa we visited: Hall Wines,

Hall Winery
Hall Winery

Rutherford Hill,img_3495img_3484 Arrowood Winery, img_3486and Parmeson Wines (more on this winery next week).

Our trip to Napa reminded me of how much I enjoy having Jonathan’s presence in my life. Eric Benet sang it best…

Until next week,
