Tag Archives: Tony Robbins

Lack of Resources; Or a Lack of Resourcefulness?


The defining issue is not a lack of resources; it is a lack of resourcefulness.” Tony Robbins

Let death be what takes us; not a lack of imagination.” BJ Miller

Photo Credit: Me - Cockrell Butterfly Center
Photo Credit: Me – Cockrell Butterfly Center

I was binge watching Ted talks this past week when I came across these quotes from Tony Robbins and BJ Miller. I’ve been sitting with them all week. I really need some more time to fully develop a good post on this topic. However, I do strongly agree with the idea that much of what ails us is not that we lack resources; it’s that we have a lack the imagination to effectively use the resources we have.

I’m going to marinate on this topic a little bit longer, and do my best to remember that it’s the little things that make life worthwhile. So, here’s India Arie singing “Little Things” in this week’s soundtrack.

Until next week,
