Decisions, Decisions, Decision! Make One!!!


I’ve been accused of over analyzing everything! Oftentimes this habit makes it difficult to make decisions in a timely manner. Is it just me? Or, can you use some tips and tricks on making good decisions in a timely manner?




Well, I was all ready to try to figure this thing out for us, but I stumbled upon Celestine Chua. She has made it her life’s work to help people reach their highest potential. Interestingly enough, she has already examined this whole decision paralysis thing and it all sounds very doable to me. In her article, “How to Stop Analysis Paralysis and Make (Great) Decisions Quicky” she gives us the run down on good decision hygiene. Here are the 10 key points she makes in the article.

  1. Understand the impact of the decisions. Is it a big or small decision?
  2. Identify the objective that is most important.
  3. Set your expectations correctly…consider perfection only when the decision will alter your life’s course.
  4. Take the bad options off the table so you can focus on the viable ones.
  5. Make a decision! Choose an option and don’t look back.
  6. Examine your decision making framework and let go of the stories that make decision making difficult in the present moment.
  7. Give yourself a deadline to make the decision and stick to it.
  8. If the situation allows, delegate the decision to someone you trust. This does not mean you unconsciously put accountability on another person. But if it helps to have someone who can see the forest for the trees to help you make the decision; go for it.
  9. Seek advice from people you trust before you make a decision.
  10. This last one was a zinger for me! Make sure you are not ruminating over a decision simply because you have too much time on your hand. Ouch! That hurt! She suggests that you channel your excess energy to other things.

Great article! I plan to implement some of these techniques when I’m standing on the decision treadmill. Hope this reference helps you too.

I’m with Lee Ann Womack. When you’re faced with the decision to ‘sit it out’ or ‘dance’, I HOPE YOU DANCE!

Until next week,


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