Healthy Reboot!


Dearly Beloved we are gathered here today…you know the rest! This past week we lost a music icon, Prince Rogers Nelson. No one could merge church and state as eloquently as Prince did. His music was truly ahead of its time. I mean who else could write a song in 1982 which would still be on the charts during the Y2K drama? It’s also becoming clear that, although he was a silent contributor, he invested in many worthy community endeavors. Thanks Prince for a legacy of excellent musicianship and philanthropy!



This past week was a bit trying here in Houston as we had a real downpour of rain and flooding. I’m thankful that most of us made it through with minimal lasting impact. However, my sincerest condolences go out to those who lost a loved one during this event. For those whose home and automobiles were damaged, I’m praying that you are able to recover quickly through fair insurance and contractor services. I personally learned to heed the warnings issued by the authorities and to take my personal safety seriously; material things can be replaced!

In the midst of all the events of last week, I also began my healthy lifestyle reboot. While it was very trying, I was successful in completing my 7 Day Detox. I have to admit that I did cheat; however, I stayed within the boundaries of the eating plan and I got to the gym to achieve the exercise goals I set for myself. I’m feeling amazing as I look into the mirror to see my skin becoming clearer, my muscles toning, and my energy level increasing. I must say that what I’m giving up pales in comparison to what I am gaining.

The icing on my cake last week was that my good friend and I attended Gabrielle Bernstein’s session on “How to bring peace wherever you go” at Unity church. This was an amazing event and I learned a lot! I’d like to share two quotes that Gabby related to us that I believe are great lessons.

The first quote is from Rumi, which states that, “The wound is where the light enters you.” The second quote is from Jim Kwik. He says, “If an egg is broken by outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from inside.” So many times in our lives we do not appreciate the great internal storms that lead to our transformations. Be thankful for the internal wisdom you sense that there is something not quite right that must be healed in you. This is God’s way of helping us to grow, to live. Don’t wait until an outside force demands the change; at that point it may require a complete resurrection. Have not doubt, you will be transformed because you will become what you are called to be. Be open to what God wants you to heal so you can be who you were destined to be. I know I’m working to achieve this in my own life.

As I’m working through my healthy reboot, I realized that a significant contributor to my success is the love and support from my family and friends. So, I’m offering 1000 hugs and kisses for your support. Take it away Prince…


Until next week,


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