Tag Archives: Independence Day

Happy 16th Birthday JD! Happy 240th Birthday USA!


I’m posting my birthday wishes early. July 4th is the 240th birthday of the Declaration of Independence of the USA and it’s the 16th of my wonderful son.

JD is a very special child. In addition to being born on the fourth of July, he is a Y2K baby. He has brought so much love and joy into our lives. I am thankful to have been chosen to be his mother. I think I speak for his friends and family when I say that being in his presence is experiencing God’s peace and love.

He is so much fun and his enthusiasm for life is hard to contain. Take a look at the joy he displayed today during cake time…

Birthday Party Fun!

Celebrating an Independence birthday would not be complete without listening to “Born in the USA” by the boss. Take a listen…

Back to our staycation currently in progress…

Until next week,
