“V” Formation


“V” Formation as opposed to Bey Formation.   Am I the only one that needs to watch Beyoncé’s video over about ten more times before I understand more than just the hot sauce in her purse?   I’m sorry, I digress…

Last week, we focused on starting this love thing at the beginning by learning to love our own self first.   Once we’ve learned to love ourselves, we are ready to share all of that greatness with others.   There is no better example of how to do this than an old video I’ve used in the past to demonstrate teamwork. Take a look…


As you can see there are many lessons in this video.  A critical part of our wellbeing is being surrounded by a community that shares our journey. We can do so much more together than on our own. The geese use the “V” formation to optimize their productivity. As a community, we need some level of organization which may include having a leader to help guide us and make decisions. There are times when you will have the tools to lead and move the community forward. Embrace the leadership opportunity and step up to help others when you can. Don’t under estimate how much your leadership is needed to move everyone around you forward.

When you have led the way for your assigned season and you grow weary; work within the flock to help another member take the lead. Enjoy the journey from a different view. Take the rest you need so that when it is your turn to lead again, you will be ready with a fresh perspective.

Knowing that you have the support you need to fall out of formation during difficult times, makes contributing to others so much more fulfilling. It’s good to know that the circle of life never ends; even after death, life begins anew. For those of us who are still ‘here’, we simply rejoin our flock. Or, if we’ve evolved to a new place, we join a new flock to help us continue our growth. For those who are no longer with us, they too join a new flock in another dimension to continue their growth.  At least that is the hope that helps me understand the idea of a ‘circle’ (i.e. infinite or everlasting life).   This is what I’ve been taught through my faith. And I’ve learned this same lesson in science class; energy is neither created nor destroyed, it simply changes form. The spirit of those who have passed on is still with us.

I’m so excited that we have an opportunity each day to participate in cultivating love within ourselves and our community. Let’s take ownership for making that happen on our journey!

Now, let me go see if I can understand this Bey Formation video. Who knows, there just might be a geese-like lesson in it too.

Until next week,


3 thoughts on ““V” Formation”

  1. Having filled the leadership role in multiple dimensions of my life. I certainly can identify with the “V Formation”. I also had occasions were I had to drop back and observe from a different vantage in the formation. This blog post gave me an opportunity to reflect on the communal aspect of these transition. Thanks again for another thought provoking writing.


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